In this article you’ll find some useful web-mastering tips and tricks. You can use this technique to make own web-site template engine or to extend the website functionality without ruining the old code as it was discussed in the previous article.
Define the new content as a variable. The previous and the next decorators could be dynamic arrays:
$sidebar_before[] = '<h2>Sidebar</h2>';
$sidebar_before[] = 'print_adsense';
$sidebar = <<<END
Some aside content here...
$sidebar_after[] = '';
$sidebar_after[] = '<h3>Advertisement<h3>';
$sidebar_after[] = 'print_adsense';
To call custom functions, include files or just print some html code before and after the main content, the PHP code in your website template should be something like this:
if (isset($sidebar_visible) && $sidebar_visible) {
echo "\t\t\t<!-- Sidebar -->\n";
echo "\t\t\t<div id=\"sidebar\" class="$css_class">\n\n";
// Print content before the Sidebar
if (isset($sidebar_before))
foreach ($sidebar_before as $s) {
if (function_exists($s)) call_user_func($s);
elseif (is_file($s)) include($s);
else echo $s;
echo "\n\n";
// Print the Sidebar
if (isset($sidebar)) echo $sidebar."\n\n";
// Print content after the Sidebar
if (isset($sidebar_after))
foreach ($sidebar_after as $s) {
if (function_exists($s)) call_user_func($s);
elseif (is_file($s)) include($s);
else echo $s;
echo "\n\n";
echo "\t\t\t</div>\n";
echo "\t\t\t<!-- /Sidebar -->\n\n";
If you have any questions relative this article or know some other useful web-master hacks write a comment or contact our team directly.